DYNASELECTOR-8000M Complex of air classification of powders
Techpribor plant is known on the Russian and international industrial equipment market as a manufacturer of high-tech grinding systems. Most of the success of our company has been achieved through the development and production of such class of equipment as industrial mills and air classifiers. The main task of these devices is to process and sort solid materials into fine powder mixtures with special properties.
Unlike companies that only import high-quality equipment to the Russian market, we produce all the models of shredders presented in the catalog. This gives the plant "Techpribor" the opportunity to significantly reduce prices for its products without compromising quality. The end user always gets reliable fine mills and air classifiers that do their job perfectly.
Now the range of our company covers all the needs of customers. It contains:
The presented models of equipment have their advantages over other Russian and foreign analogues and deserve a separate description. Most of them perform tasks that vibro-centric mills of other manufacturers are unable to perform.
The first example is an automated mill complex TRIBOKINETIKA-6050 MP. It is a completely independent production unit for processing solid rocks and man-made waste. It is characterized by high productivity (processes at least 2 cubic meters of raw materials per hour), lack of dust during operation and a long service life without replacing working bodies. Such a fine mill will be a profitable purchase for the production of a large number of mineral powders.
The air classifier deserves no less attention DYNASELECTOR-8000M. Specialists of the plant "Techpribor" used special developments in its creation, which resulted in a universal device for sorting powder mixtures by size. Although this classifier does not have its own chopper, which is equipped with a ball mill "TRIBOKINETIKA", but it copes with the task of sorting raw materials perfectly. The combined principle of operation (this classifier combines centrifugal and air sorting methods) allows you to reduce the power consumption of the device without reducing productivity.
All our other equipment (centrifugal and vibro-centric mills) it also has a lot of positive qualities, which can be found in their description.
Cooperation with the plant" Techpribor " is not just an opportunity to buy an industrial mill at a favorable price. We value every customer, so we try to provide first-class service in everything that concerns the sale and maintenance of shredding equipment.
If you decide to buy an industrial mill, we will take care of the installation and commissioning of the equipment, along with training the staff in the specifics of its operation. Maintenance and scheduled replacement of worn parts of units will also be carried out by specialists of the plant "Techpribor". For companies that are experiencing difficulties with financing, we are ready to lease any shredder, which will help significantly reduce the cost of purchasing equipment.
Any questions about the order, trial grinding, delivery and service can always be asked by our consultants. To do this, fill out the feedback form or call back (499) 346-48-30.
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